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A Wordpress Blog about All Good Things

Archive for April 2012

Kim Kardashian Another Wedding? Look at her numbers from her last.

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I’ve been reading a lot of stuff about Kim Kardashian and her wedding with that basketball dude, Kris Humphries. It’s quite controversial, really. Lots of folks are criticizing her for getting married, then later filing a divorce in no less than 3 months, making the whole deal seem like a joke. The crowds are overacting, huh? Well, I think the reason why a lot of folks are mad is because the wedding itself was quite over the top! How over the top, you might ask? Unless you’re living under a rock, you could have seen how much publicity the wedding caught – from news, to your television, the whole ordeal was everywhere. What makes it controversial is that they got paid for the coverage. They’ve also spent millions for the wedding! How much, you ask? You should look at this infographic made by to find out – as well as how much would an average American couple would normally pay for each item. You’d be surprised, trust me!

Source: Brilliance Loose Diamonds

Kim Kardashian Another Wedding?

The Science Behind Celebrity Breakdowns

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Celebrity breakdowns are an unfortunate (and frequent) occurrence, yet everyone loves to hear about them. Understanding the social pressures and reasons why so many celebrities turn to drugs and alcohol is fascinating. While some celebrities may turn to drugs and alcohol as form of escapism, others turn to these addictive substances as a result of a genetic personality disorder. Some celebrities have depression that spins out of control and causes them to want to commit suicide. Others simple have a disdain for the legal process and habitually find themselves in trouble with the law. If you are curious about which celebrities may have genetic personality disorders and which ones are suffering from mental disorders for other reasons, then check out this list of the top 10 celebrity breakdowns. You will learn more about the human mind and its responses to stressful conditions than perhaps you ever thought possible in only a few short minutes!

From: Best Masters In Counseling

The Science Behind Celebrity Breakdowns

Written by Steve

April 27, 2012 at 3:12 am